Deinitialization states that, A deinitializer denit
will be called immediately before a class instance is deallocated.
It’s the counter part of Initialization.
Applicable to class type.
Deinitialization in Action.
We have taken two class named as Foo(Parent) and Bar(Child) each having `init` and `deinit`
When we create instance of `Bar` the order of execution takes in this manner
Parent Class init -> Child Class init
Child Class deinit -> Parent Class deinit
Question: Provided we have parent-child relationship, What’s the order in which deinit is called?
class Parent {
deinit { print(“Parent deinit”) }
class Child: Parent {
deinit { print(“Child deinit”) }
Further reading:
Thanks for reading.
Please let me know if you have any queries or doubt.
Roshan kumar Sah.